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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

New and exciting things in my kitchen :-)

I thought I'd take a break from the recipes today so I can share with you the things that make me really excited about grocery shopping and preparing meals in my kitchen...

Today, I attended the Grand Opening of a Whole Foods Market.  I am always amazed at the wide variety of fresh produce they carry, as well as their incredible selection of fresh meats, poultry, and fish!  Buying all Organic food is good in theory, but it is not always the most practical thing to do when on a budget.  Nevertheless, I did leave the store with some goodies, and I only spent $16.53 :-)

Goodie #1: My New Basil Plant :-)
Say hello to the newest addition to my family!  He will be taking up residence in the corner of our apartment near the sliding glass door, where he will receive ample amounts of sunshine and love each day :-)

Since I can't have a dog in this apartment, I decided that taking care of a Basil plant is the next best thing :-)  I bought Mr. Basil Plant for just $2.99 at Whole Foods... talk about a deal!  We'll wait and see if I have a "green thumb" and can keep this thing alive.  If not, I guess it's a good thing I didn't get a dog first?!

Goodies #2:  Lemon, Lime, and Roma Tomatoes

For a total of $2.86, I came home with all of this to brighten my table!  This is one of the few times I have purchased a fresh lemon and/or lime from the store.  I usually use the bottled lemon juice, but tonight I plan to use this lemon to make a chicken recipe. Can't wait!

Goodie #3: Brussel Sprouts!

Okay, so I know what you may be thinking... who gets excited (or even likes) brussel sprouts?!  Newsflash: Brussel Sprouts have the potential to be anything but bitter and boring.  I have made it my mission to banish their old reputation by preparing them in a new and exciting way.  Tonight, I plan to make Balsamic Glazed Brussel Sprouts that are bound to be delicious!  And again, for only $2.99, you can't go wrong :-)

Goodie #4: Fresh Mushrooms
These will be terrific with the chicken tonight :-) They were $2.49, which is more than I usually spend on mushrooms, but what's a girl to do?!

I have always liked mushrooms, and it wasn't until meeting Jeff and eating dinner at his mom's house that I learned that I LOVE mushrooms... especially the fresh ones.  (I have eaten my fair share of canned mushrooms, and realize why so many people despise them if that was their only mushroom-eating experience.)  Jeff's mom makes stuffed mushrooms for almost every family dinner, and boy are they delicious!  Since then, Jeff and I try to buy fresh mushrooms whenever possible, and we tend to use them in just about everything we make.  We also find that mushrooms pair very well with the earthy red wines we like to drink.  And, apparently, mushrooms are "Deliciously Healthy" too (see photo)!

Goodie #5:  Fresh Rosemary!!!
Only $2.99 for a supply that will last a long time!

Fresh Rosemary has quickly become one of my favorite herbs to use when I have it on hand.  I don't mind buying it at the store because a little goes a long way when you're finely chopping it to add to a recipe.  I keep mine on the refrigerator door and it lasts up to 2 months.  It goes wonderfully with grilled meats, as well as potatoes.  

Goodie #6:  Calphalon German Steel Santoku Knife!
I'm pretty sure I will be trying this out tonight!  

Okay, so this "goodie" was not bought at Whole Foods, but arrived via FedEx today, compliments of Calphalon for registering for over $500 worth of their merchandise at Macy's!!!  Wooohooo!  Getting married definitely has some really great perks :-)

If knives don't excite you, I apologize.  I know some people are scared by the really large knives, as if the knifes have minds of their own and are sure to inflict pain on the cook.  I, however, love them :-)  If you have never wielded a really great (ie: sharp) knife, you should.  It's amazing how easily they can slice and dice through almost anything in the kitchen in no time at all!  


What are the things that get you excited about cooking?  I'd love to know if I'm the only one who geeks out about fresh produce, and the sharp objects used to slice them :-)

Happy Shopping!

Librarian turned Foodie



  1. I greatly enjoyed ready this blog about your shopping trip, and Mr. Basil. Put him up on a table. He needs your best sunny window, and don't soak him. Just advise from your green thumb mom. You will love fresh lemon juice. It is so much better than bottled, though, I keep bottled handy, just in case.
    Canned mushrooms are gross. Did you know that they contain maggets!!!! Oh yes, it's that "200 parts per billion" rule, or whatever. Yes, I guess there can be as many as 20 maggets decomposing in a 3 oz can of mushrooms. Eeeewww. I'll never eat them again.
    I love this blog. Very entertaining. XOXO

    1. Okay... that's disgusting news, especially when we have been buying them in bulk from Costco for years! Ick! I'm going to pretend that by cooking them at high temps, all those maggot guts get neutralized... still a big ewwww!

  2. Ohhh love this post! First of all, grocery shopping is one of my favorite forms of shopping. Espeically when you have a recipe in mind. Or are using food to decorate (love the bowl with bright colored edibles!) Mushrooms are delish and yes, fresh ones are the way to go. I had an ex (actally, two now that i think about it) that ALWAYS used canned mushrooms. Ew. Not good.

    I love brussel sprouts! I like them just flat out steamed or broiled... i look forward to hearing more about this glazed creation you made.

    KNIFEEEEE ahhhhh I need a new set SO BAD. Maybe I should just snag a random guy and pretend we are getting married and register for a set? Seems like an awful lot of works for some slicing instruments.... That is a good brand you got there. Congrats! WHOOT!
